Pauline Olivia Rucker

Pauline Olivia Rucker
Created by: Paulette Rucker
My mom was such a wonderful and beautiful person. Her spirit touched whoever was around her. Her time here on this earth has gone and she will be greatly missed. Taking care of her was such a joy in spite of the challenges. I loved those moments when she would say something that made total sense and even the moments when she didn’t say anything at all. I would laugh and she would just smile at me. This poem touched me so I added it to her obituary. Mom you will truly be missed by so many people. Your smile and joy touched us all in so many ways.
To be wholly thine!
No pain, noe sorrow,
Only forever tomorrow,
I’m eternally healed,
Eternally at blessed,
Eternally at peace,
As I eternally rest,
What a blessed event,
That’s heavenly sent!
To walk with my Lord
What glories in store!
I’m eternally healed!
Eternally at blessed,
Eternally at peace.
Now I eternally rest.
By Michelle Bryant Powell